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E-commerce has never been easier

YSOSY is an all-rounder solution to run your e-commerce business smoothly. We have established goals for customer satisfaction, and we fulfill the same for you. With us, you get a 360 degree solution and successful results for your business. Leave behind your competitors and boost your sales with us.

1. Create you e-catalog easily
2. Transparent Payment policies
3. Efficient Shipment module
4. Track orders easily
5. Secured Payment Gateways


Our vision is to create a healthy market for businesses to compete in. With our solutions, our customers can find their place in the market with ease and compete with accurate skills and customer satisfaction.

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Our mission is to promote virtual business strategies with successful stories. We enable you to stand a position amongst your competitors with great ease and maximum profits.

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We are your best choice!

We are a growing company dealing in managing e-commerce businesses with accurate shipment solutions. We have customer driven solutions for all your business needs with a structured shipping process and transparent money transactions with safe payments.

Increase your Margin

Our automatically optimized technologies will never fail to satisfy your costs. Get a cut on your operating expenses because of the wonderfully designed strategic cuts and automation. Be highly satisfied with your client response and delivery. Our cost evaluating processes are such that it keeps in mind the customer’s margins and overall experience.

Lowest rate compare to others

There are plenty of fishes in the sea, but our unique feature is cost-efficiency. Our money calculation process, from order shipment of your client to your product listing, ensures your satisfaction as well as your customer’s satisfaction. Find lesser rates than us nowhere in the market.

Single Window Solution for e-commerce

From creating your catalog, to managing your clients shipment details, we have got it all centralized at one place. Add to that, our low margin costs & ensure greater ROI that helps in elevating your brand. With our systematic and centralized portal, increase your business value because of the customer benefits we have to offer.

Dave Smith

Working with YSOSY has been an exhilarating experience throughout because of the services they offer. I never faced a challenge while running my e-commerce business because of the customer support they had at every step. Really delighted with their service and the value they have to provide.

Divyesh Barad

We had never imagined we would be able to create a virtual business identity with so much ease & efficiency. All thanks to YSOSY for their extremely well designed interface that gives you no hassles while dealing in your business.

Rahul Rajput

My customers are happy because of YSOSY . Their spirited efforts to create this platform has brought colors and shine to our business. We never thought it would be so easy with their help. Choosing *co name* was the perfect decision for us.

Chirag Patel

I’m really impressed by the professionalism of the YSOSY team. Thanks for their support.

We love solving your doubts.