How It Works


Register your company

Get your company registered with just a few clicks.
Your e-catalog will be created within minutes.


Create store

We have tools that will simplify the process of creating your online business presence. We suggest the perfect niche for your store with accurate details.


Product Listing

Our intelligent AI with specialized technology enables automatic product listing for all your products. Save time from the hassles of listing your products.


Start selling

After your products have been listed, you can go live for selling. Use your strategies now to promote your online business and hence generate revenues.


Choose your shipping partner

Get desired results within seconds of request and choose the most suitable shipping partner that satisfies your needs as well as your clients’ needs. Get numerous options to choose from.


Receive Payment

Get transparent and secured payments that are on time and have no error. Keep your customers happy with the amazing COD module we have to offer along with the easy information on their shipment.